How about a Faraday Helmet to protect ourselves?

There have been many reports analyzing the effects of radiations emanating from mobile phones. Although none of these offered conclusive evidence of their harmful effects on humans, being able to shield ourselves from any kind of invible electromagnetic (EM)  radiations is always a welcome idea. This is the context of the question posed by our middle-schooler this week.  

We have been exploring static electricity with the middle-school batch for the last couple of weeks. We studied a range of everyday objects that magnify or subdue this effect. We even made a cool electroscope to detect if any of the materials around us are charged! Last week, we made a simple Faraday Cage and put it in action to block those unwanted phone calls :))) The concept of a Farady cage is very simple and fundamental, but its applications are serious business! Starting from the aerospace sector to military, Faraday cages are crucial to protecting sensitive instruments and information. In fact, Faraday cages are probably one of the most simplistic, low-tech, high-impact devices of today. 

We figured out what would make a good shield against EM waves, and that is when this idea popped up. “Can we use a Faraday helmet to protect ourselves from EM waves?” Well, it is not a very new idea really :)) People and science-fiction stories are filled with ideas of using a “tin foil cap” to protect their thoughts and ideas from being detected by spies/ aliens and what not. Unfortunately, as exciting as it may sound, it is probably not very feasible. The Faraday cage only works if the interiors are completely isolated from the materials outside. And, in the case of  (conducting) human bodies, that would be possible only if we can have a someone with a head detached from the rest of the body!  

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